Communications Toolkit


By posting storytelling and educational content on the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy, you can help shine a light on non-monogamy and foster greater understanding and acceptance of our communities, relationships, and identities.

As part of this shared day of action, we're inviting creators, organizations, and individuals to share content that showcases the diverse experiences and perspectives within the global non-monogamous community.

We’re not just posting for the sake of it – we’re actively shaping the narrative around family and relationship diversity in order to challenge misconceptions, foster understanding, and create a more inclusive world! Let's come together to lift our voices, share our stories, and build a more open and loving world!

Graphics & Sample Posts

Click the graphics below to download in square, vertical, or landscape formats. You can also download the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy logo here to create your own graphics.

Use the hashtag #NonmonogamyVisibility and tag OPEN (@openloveorg on Twitter and Instagram) so that we can share your posts!

Sample captions:

  • There's no 'one size fits all' for relationships. Love is as diverse as we are! It’s time to celebrate non-monogamous communities, families, and relationships. 🌈 Happy Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy! Learn more about #NonMonogamyVisibility at!

  • From polyamory to the swinger lifestyle to open relationships and everything in between, today celebrate the non-monogamy movement in all its forms. Happy Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy! #NonmonogamyVisibility

  • Relationship equality is worth fighting for! Today, we celebrate the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy. Share your stories, spread the love, end the stigma! #NonMonogamyVisibility 🎉 Join the celebration:

  • You are not alone! Join us in celebrating the millions of non-monogamous individuals across the globe. We stand for acceptance, understanding, and love in all its forms. Let's shine together this Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy! #NonMonogamyVisibility

Messaging Guidelines

Creating your own storytelling content for the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy? We recommend following these messaging guidelines:

  • The big-picture goals for the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy are to advance awareness and understanding of non-monogamy, to humanize non-monogamous families and relationships, and to dispel misconceptions. We’ll provide some top-level talking points in the next section!

  • The Day of Visibility is about non-monogamy as a “big tent” movement, so try to avoid using specific non-monogamous identities or practices such as polyamory of the swinger lifestyle as a stand-in for non-monogamy as a whole! That’s not to discourage participants from posting about the identities or communities that are relevant for them; we just encourage awareness of the broader context.

  • We’re moving away from the phrase “ethical non-monogamy” – here’s why. We encourage using just the word “non-monogamy” on its own (and not “nonmonogamy” or “non monogamy”).

  • We avoid using terms like “pride” or “coming out” so as not to appropriate language from the LGBTQIA+ movement. We are also careful to shorten “polyamory” to “polyam” and not “poly,” because the latter is already used by the Polynesian community.

  • We’re not anti-monogamy. We don’t think everyone should be non-monogamous; we think that everyone should be free to choose the relationship structure and intimate practices that work for them.

  • While we celebrate intimacy, pleasure, and sexual liberation, we are also conscious that one of the main misconceptions around non-monogamy is that it’s mainly “about” sex. With this in mind, we are discouraging NSFW content under banner of the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy. We are encouraging a focus on connection, community, and family.

  • Perhaps most important of all… let’s be kind and positive! No trolling, flaming, rudeness, making fun, punching down, transphobia, queerphobia, racism, ageism, ableism, or other forms of prejudice or discrimination.

Use the hashtag #NonmonogamyVisibility and tag OPEN (@openloveorg on Twitter and Instagram) so that we can share your posts!


Here are the main talking points that we want to share with the world through the Day of Visibility for Non-monogamy!*

*Note: due to available research, many of the stats and sources below are US-focused. However, non-monogamy is a global practice, and the Day of Visibility is an international day of action! If you are aware of relevant data from your country or region, we’d love to include it! You can reach us at <>.

Non-monogamy is beautiful and deserves to be celebrated!

  • Non-monogamy isn’t new; it has been practiced around the world throughout much of history and by a multitude of different cultures.

  • People who practice non-monogamy are no less committed to their relationships than their monogamous counterparts.

  • Communication, consent, and connection are core principles of non-monogamy which also lie at the heart of healthy and happy relationships of all varieties.

Non-monogamous people exist everywhere among your friends, neighbors, and coworkers.

  • 5% of American adults are currently in a consensually non-monogamous relationship (2014, 2023). While international data is somewhat lacking, that number is likely a reasonable benchmark.

  • From a recent survey of 1,000 American adults, 35% described their ideal relationship as something other than complete monogamy (2023).

  • Non-monogamy is practiced by people from all walks of life. The proportion of people who have engaged in consensual non-monogamy at some point in their life was not found to vary significantly across age, education level, income, religion, region, political affiliation, and race.

Non-monogamy looks different for everyone.

  • Non-monogamy is an umbrella term that encompasses numerous practices and identities including polyamory, open relationships, swinging (also known as the “lifestyle”), and more.

  • There is no “one size fits all” approach to relationships or families.

Non-monogamous people shouldn’t have to hide themselves or their families.

  • Almost two-thirds of non-monogamous adults reported experiencing some form of discrimination based on their non-monogamous identity or relationship style/structure (2020). Examples include family rejection, difficulty accessing supportive mental health care, housing discrimination, and workplace discrimination.

  • Many non-monogamous adults are forced to conceal their relationships in order to avoid these experiences of stigma and discrimination.

Being open about non-monogamy creates greater awareness for the community that can lead to more acceptance and expand civil rights.

  • The best way to increase understanding and acceptance of non-monogamous families and relationships is to open up about our identities. People are more likely to be accepting of a minority identity (such as non-monogamy) when they know a non-monogamous person in their own life!

  • Non-monogamy is a global movement that is increasingly organizing for greater acceptance and expanded legal rights. By being open about our identities and organizing together, we can create a more open and loving world!