Get Involved!

About the Week of Visibility

The global Week of Visibility is a movement-wide week of action that aims to amplify non-monogamous voices, identities, and experiences in order to dismantle stereotypes and promote acceptance. Launched in 2023 as a Day of Visibility, this year’s celebration is being expanded into a full week to create more space to educate, advocate, and celebrate! The Week of Visibility is being organized by participants from across the non-monogamy movement, with coordination by OPEN (Organization for Polyamory and Ethical Non-monogamy).

Why Visibility Matters

In a world where non-monogamy remains highly stigmatized and misunderstood, visibility is a powerful tool for promoting acceptance. That’s because people are more likely to accept groups and identities when they see or know people from those communities! The Week of Visibility for Non-monogamy is an opportunity to stand up and speak out about our identities and experiences. By spotlighting and humanizing diverse family and relationship structures, we can foster understanding and acceptance in order to build a more inclusive and loving world.

How to participate

The Week of Visibility for Non-monogamy is a shared movement week of action with many ways to celebrate! We’re creating a range of resources and activities to help you and your community get involved and take action. Here are some of the ways you can plug in today to help make this year’s Week of Visibility for Non-monogamy a success!

  • Send a save-the-date to your friends, community, or audience! Click here for the Promotional Toolkit with sample posts and graphics.

  • In-person community events are an opportunity to get together to celebrate and educate. Register your event here; we’ll send you a guide to help plan and promote your event, and we’ll list it on the public event directory (coming soon!)

  • Got an idea for a panel, workshop, or other online event? We’d love to help you put something together and promote it. Use this form to register your activity or virtual event, and we’ll list it on the public event directory.

  • Start planning your online content, whether that’s posting on social media, publishing a blog post, creating a video, and more! We’ll send out a Communications Toolkit with talking points and social media graphics to help you get started. Use hashtag #NonmonogamyVisibility for a boost!

  • Sponsors help offset the cost of organizing the Week of Visibility, ensuring the success and sustainability of this impactful movement activity! Click here to learn more about sponsorship benefits and guidelines, then use this form to register as a sponsor.

  • Add your organization, brand, or name to the list of endorsers on the home. We’ll include your logo and a link to your website alongside dozens of other participating groups from across the non-monogamy movement! Use this form to sign on!

  • We want to hear from you! How can we signal boost or support your content or activities? Let us know: